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13/09/2022DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Re - determination - Appendix 1 to Statement of Case 8748311
13/09/2022DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Re - determination - Appendix 2 to Statement of Case 8748322
13/09/2022DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Re determination Statement of Case8748303
05/04/2022DC Appeal DecisionsEPF/1649/17 026882court decision Jerry Godden 8606744
27/07/2020DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Additional Appeal statement - re determination7461065
27/07/2020DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Apepal re determination - Appendix 1 - Email from EFDC7461176
27/07/2020DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Appeal re determination - appendix 3 Cabinet Report7461117
27/07/2020DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Appeal re determination - Appendix 4 -Updated postition statemen7461128
27/07/2020DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Appeal re determination - Appendix 5 - Draft Mitigation statemen7461139
27/07/2020DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Appeal redetermination - Appendix 274610910
13/03/2020DC Appeal DecisionsEPF/1649/17 026882Appeal decision72497111
05/12/2019DC Appeal StatementEPF/1649/17 026882LPA appeal statement71504412
30/10/2019DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Grounds of appeal71125213
30/10/2019DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Grounds of appeal - Appedix 3 appeal decision The Steer71125414
30/10/2019DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Grounds of appeal - Appendix 2 2014 SOS appeal decison Curtis Mi71125815
30/10/2019DC Appeal DocumentsEPF/1649/17 026882Grounds of appeal - Appendix 4 Google aerial image71125616
27/06/2019DC Officer ReportEPF/1649/17 026882Officer Report69472117
26/06/2019Development Control Application Decision NoticesEPF/1649/17 026882Refused69451218
31/08/2017DC Consultation (External)EPF/1649/17 026882Brentwood BC56851219
18/07/2017DC Consultation (External)EPF/1649/17 026882Commet from Land Drainage56245820
13/07/2017Landscape Team - Letters OutEPF/1649/17 026882MB - Tree and Landscape comments55911721
11/07/2017DC Consultation (External)EPF/1649/17 026882Matthew Lane, ECC Highways55879722
30/06/2017DC Consultation (External)EPF/1649/17 026882George McCreight, Waste Management55764023
27/06/2017DC Supporting Information for ApplicationsEPF/1649/17 026882EA drainage form55718424
27/06/2017Development Control - Application FormsEPF/1649/17 026882Application form55718325
Epping Forest District Council
Epping Forest District Council
Civic Offices
323 High Street
Essex CM16 4BZ
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Ⓒ Epping Forest District Council 2018